
More Programs

Where Conversation

Leads to Action

A lively venue, the Stowe Center presents public conversations on social issues, programs that inspire positive action: award-winning Salons at Stowe, author events, film screenings, book discussions,
community open houses and more.

Author Events and Reading Groups
Join the Harriet Beecher Stowe Center as we explore the ongoing legacy of Harriet’s work through lectures, author events, and reading groups.

Topics range from historical to contemporary, encompassing gender, race, class, culture, and social activism.

Many book bundles are available through our Stowe Center Museum Shop.

Explore our Social Justice Reading Circle – Book Club reading list!

Check out our Calendar of Events for even more events.


Harriet Beecher Stowe's Birthday and Family Event Days
Held the second Saturday in June, Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Community Birthday Celebration features free family activities.

See our Calendar of Events for other special Community Days throughout the year.

Stowe on the Go: Facilitating Common Ground for Common Good

Difficult conversations, well facilitated, can lead to a better understanding of each other as human beings.

The Harriet Beecher Stowe Center presents Stowe on the Go: a program that facilitates difficult conversations using historical objects and nurturing common ground for common good.

In a divisive, increasingly polarized world, the Harriet Beecher Stowe Center is an educational, social justice museum ready to help communities recognize and appreciate where they are united.

Stowe on the Go, a new social enterprise, offers facilitated learning experiences to various groups to help hone deep listening and constructive conversational skills that lead to better understanding of each other. We use museum collection items to ground each conversation in historical context and provide a springboard for discussion that helps lead to common ground.

Our approach helps participants practice skills for engaging in difficult conversations with open minds and respect for difference. A Stowe on the Go experience leads to more cohesive groups who better understand each other. Our goal is for each person to say: “I will think about what you just said.”

Topics include:

  • Words Matter:  Exploring how our vocabulary and ways of speaking affect others
  • Common Ground for Common Good: Fostering unity out of division
  • Freedom of Expression: Encouraging responsible civic engagement
  • Literary Activism: Using words to make positive change
Contact us for prices and reservations.
Contact us to bring Stowe on the Go to you.

Please note: All revenue from Stowe on the Go is invested in the overall mission of the Stowe Center, to encourage social justice and literary activism by exploring the legacy of Harriet Beecher Stowe. We are committed to building a world in which engagement leads to empathy, empowerment, and positive change.

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