Stowe Center for Literary Activism
77 Forest Street
Hartford, CT 06105
This season, the Stowe Center collaborates with New Orleans artist jackie sumell on this garden in honor of Stowe Prize 2020 winner Albert Woodfox for his memoir Solitary. This garden is the same shape and size (6’ x 9’) as the solitary confinement cell where Woodfox spent 43 years.
Solitary Garden is built from the largest chattel slave crops of the 19th-century South—sugarcane, cotton, indigo, and tobacco—mixed with lime from a historic Connecticut mine. The plants are flowers from Stowe’s historic gardens and from her description of those growing outside Tom’s cabin. This artwork expresses confinement as well as hope, love, and imagination.
Solitary Garden is closed for the season and will return in 2021.
The Stowe Center thanks the Greater Hartford Arts Council for supporting the Solitary Garden art installation.