Racism & White Supremacy

Charlottesville One-Year Anniversary

August 8, 2018

Both of this year’s Student Stowe Prize winners chose to write about racially-charged events in Charlottesville, Virginia. Meet college winner Wes Gobar and high school winner Zyahna Bryant on Stowe Prize Day, September 5, 2018. Today’s Salon topic honors their impressive writing and impact.


On August 12, 2018, the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville erupted into violence that left one person dead and more than 40 injured.


These events focused national attention on white supremacy and prompted debate over how “surprising” we ought to find them and where they fit in the history of racial violence and intimidation in America.


One year later, as the same groups organize to march again, join us to discuss what has and has not changed in the last 12 months and what these events – and the responses to them – tell us about American society.


Suggested Reading

What it’s like to be a Black student as white supremacists march in your college town by 2018 Student Stowe Prize college winner Wes Gobar


Change the name of Lee Park and Remove the Statue
by 2018 Student Stowe Prize high school winner Zyahna Bryant


Charlottesville’s Divides Are America’s Divides


‘Unite the Right’ anniversary: White nationalists planning to rally in D.C.




Location Harriet Beecher Stowe Center
Doors Open 11:30 AM
Program Noon - 1 PM